2008년 4월 2일 수요일

Post6: Climax

* what is the climax of this novel? what happens? how do the events of this novel make you feel?

The climax of the novel is when Montag kills Captain Beatty. After Montag realized that Mildred, his wife, called in the alarm, he had to burn his own house down because of Beatty’s command. Captain Beatty also threatened him with mechanical hounds, which Montag hates because those were gazing and trying to hurt him at the fire house. When he was done, Beatty told him that he will be under arrest. It was also tense when Beatty found the green buggy radio in Montag’s ear. Montag turned his flamethrower on Beatty and burned him like all the books he burned in the past. This event of this novel made me feel so relived and happy, because the bad guy went down. Also, it was an astonishment of Montag because it wasn’t an easy courage to kill his enemy. He wasn’t a coward anymore and stepped into the starting point where he can actually change the society and the world. He can spread out the truth of the books and the message to the corrupted world.

If I were to put myself in Montag’s position, it would have been very difficult, because I know that whether I kill captain Beatty or not, I would be in BIG trouble. I don’t know what I would do in that moment but it was obvious that he would get help from Faber. Farenheit 451 was overally very fun, and it was very intereting.

2 개의 댓글:

Jennifer Kim :

I agree with what you said if I had put myself in Montag's position. I would actually be too scared to do anything... haha. If I wasn't a scardy cat, I guess I would have done the same thing Montag did because I would feel threatened and mad. What Beatty has been doing was very evil!

I liked this book too! I liked the overall plot of this story because it was very interesting :)

jjun :

hello~ i agree to you that the climax of this novel, fahrenheit 451 was when montag killed beatty. for me, it was very depressing because i liked beatty even though he was the antagonist. i liked this book too because of its interesting topic.