2008년 4월 2일 수요일

Post1: Passage

* please choose one passage from the novel that is significant to you. why is this passage meaningful? Please type it into one of your entries and comment on what you think about the passage.

“I didn’t know that! Montage laughed abruptly.

“Bet I know something else you don’t. There’s dew on the grass in the morning.”

He suddenly couldn’t remember if he had known this or nor, and it made him quite irritable.

“And if you look”-she nodded at the sky-“there’s a man in the moon.”

He hadn’t looked for a long time.

This passage was significant for me, because it reminds me to take a time and look the environment around me. I have missed many precious things that looked so simple, because I was so tightened up with my school works and others. Dew on the grass and a man in the moon seem nothing. However, if we become like Clarisse, we can see the beauty of the raindrops, the feelings of the breeze in the middle of the winter, or the sound of the leaves of the garden trees rustling in the spring breeze. Maybe we were too ignorant of the beauty around us. It is amazing that Clarisse can find aesthetics in the middle of confusion and corruption. This is very meaningful to me and gives me a lesson that I should always be positive and thoughtful of what I have around me, instead of under estimating the world with negative statements all the time. During my break, I will try becoming my Clarisse and take time to study the beauty of nature and the society I live in.

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